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Find the answers to some of AMS's most frequently asked questions about our Notice of Roadwork materials by selecting one of the product links below.

Ultra-Thin Friction Course | Microsurfacing | Bituminous Seal Coat


Q: Will I have access to my property on the day of the roadwork?
A: Yes, you may use the street at all times during the operation but please be extra careful of personnel working on and around the paving operation.

Q. How will I know when construction will start on my street?
A: “No Parking” signs will be placed on your street.

Q: How will I know when construction is completed?
A: The “No Parking” signs will have been removed on your street.

Q: “No Parking” signs were posted on my street however no work was done. Why is this?
A: Weather, especially rain, can delay work. The signs will remain in place until we begin work.

Q: When can I drive on my street?
A: We ask you do not drive in or around the operation during placement, however you can utilize the remainder of the street and if an emergency arises, you can drive on the material after it has been rolled.


Q: Will I have access to my property on the day of the roadwork?
A: Yes, but you will have to park on an adjacent street until the road surface is completely dry.

Q. How will I know when construction will start on my street?
A: “No Parking” signs will be placed on your street.

Q: How will I know when construction is completed?
A: The “No Parking” signs will have been removed on your street.

Q: “No Parking” signs were posted on my street however no work was done. Why is this?
A: Weather, especially rain, can delay work. The signs will remain in place until we begin work.

Q: When can I drive or walk on the road surface?
A: After the street cones and “No Parking” signs are removed and the street is opened to traffic. This will be the assurance of a completely cured surface. Typically you can drive on the road within one to two hours. We advise that you drive slow and do not turn your wheels unless your vehicle is moving.

Q: I had to walk on the fresh pavement, can I enter my home or car?
A: If you have walked on the fresh pavement, it is not recommended to wear the shoes in your house or car.

Q: What if I get asphalt on my car or in my house?
A: Fresh soap and water may remove it but a citrus-based cleaner such as Goo-Gone works best.

Q: Why does my road appear rough, especially at the seams?
A: Initially the surface will appear rough however over time the surface will smooth out to a more uniform texture.


Q: Will I have access to my property on day of roadwork?
A: Yes, but you may have to wait until the equipment has passed and the surface has been rolled. You will need to drive slowly over the surface.

Q. How will I know when construction will start on my street?
A: “No Parking” signs will be placed on your street or "Road Closed to Through Traffic" signs will be posted.

Q: “No Parking” signs were posted on my street however no work was done. Why is this?
A: Weather, especially rain, can delay work. The signs will remain in place until we begin work.

Q: How soon can I drive on the newly surfaced pavement?
A: Once you have seen that the sealcoat operation has passed your house, typically you can drive on the surface immediately. We do advise that you drive slow and do not twist your wheels unless your vehicle is moving.

Q: How will I know when construction is completed?
A: “No Parking” signs have been removed on your street.

Q: Can my children play in the street?
A: Any child playing in the street is never safe. Additionally Bituminous Seal Coat has a rough surface for the first year, so please use caution.

Q: What if I get asphalt on my car or in my house?
A: Fresh soap and water may remove it, but a citrus-based cleaner such as Goo-Gone works best.

Q: I had to walk on the fresh pavement, can I enter my home or car?
A: If you have walked on the fresh pavement, it is not recommended to wear the shoes in your house or car.

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